
Leo Fender wanted an instrument that does not infallible lost in acute but had serious that the most powerful stark Telecaster, hegemonic model until then. What spoke low, or kričač chorasse without losing the timbre. Then he used the trémulo, an innovation at the time, which allowed a large distortion of the sound, but not caused the desafinação the guitar, which remained oiled. His Headstock (hand) plus thick that the telecaster there by the fact that several of the musicians in epoca Telecaster (which actually began with the Broadcaster, a tele simplest) were on hand chacota fine and close the telecaster. The body of the Stratocaster was inspired by the body of the Fender Precision Bass and his tremulo system was designed and created entirely by Leo Fender. According to the provision of tarrachas himself in the hand of the guitar in a straight line, keeping the strings straight even after nut minimizava the desafinações arising from the use of extreme tremulo. The first Stratocaster did not contain shield of 3 layers (currently the shells are composed by 1 layer in the middle of two black white or vice versa enrijecer for the material) which has caused the envelhecessem they deformassem. Initially also, they contained Keys of 3 positions for selection of pickups, the provision was possible: the bridge pickup, the environment or the arm. Meanwhile some musicians found that leave the key in an intermediate position, linking two pickups (such as the bridge and the environment for example) creating a sound unique and different. Note that in this season of the pickups half were common, equal to the arm, while currently the pickups are the middle rolled unlike inverted pole and has to operate as the same theory of Captadores Humbuckers thus eliminating the sounds, but obviously creating a sound different. The Keys are currently of 5 positions, so the positions intermediate (2 and 4) are common today, and the positions 1, 3 and 5 respectively comprise the pickups arms, middle and bridge.